The back-to-school/end-of-summer slam took more out of me than anticipated this year. That’s why I missed the usual end-of-the-month date for sending out this newsletter.
Nevertheless, I wanted to send out this mid-month short update to let you know that my exhibition at Farnham Maltings has been extended by a week. That nicely dovetails with the fact Hampton Estate let the hops mature for an extra week before harvest this year.
I’ve been very happy with the reception of exhibition and have been told more people than usual have been coming in to look. The opening event was also well attended. Those who came were treated to the low down on Hampton Estate’s hop production and other activities by Bill Biddell. Several of the people in the photographs were also present, and as always I’m grateful for the collaboration of those I do photograph.
I’ll most-likely be taking down the pictures on Friday 22 September. So if you want to come and see them before then let me know. Equally I’d be happy to have a coffee and chat on the day they come down - no requirement to help.
So, what next?
I’m looking into places where these pictures might travel to next for exhibition. Naturally, breweries, market town cultural centres and anywhere with an interest in British social history and documentary photography would be suitable. If you have any contacts or leads, please let me know.
As mentioned previously, I also think there’s enough that I haven’t yet shown for a wider edit that would suit a small book or zine. I’m on the lookout for a suitable publisher as well as investigating producing one myself. As above, any thoughts or contacts are most welcome.
Readers of this newsletter will get to know first if that comes to fruition.
New newsletter directions?
I thought I’d also take this chance to take stock of the newsletter. I’d always envisioned it as a bit more than just news and updates about my projects. I particularly wanted to provide thoughts about editing and how pictures work together or singly (hence the name The [ED]it, which is a play on my name and the mark left in text by editors). The reality is that hasn’t quite happened.
So, first a question… do you mainly read this for my news and updates or is there something more you would like from it? Suggestions are very welcome in the comments or via DM or email.
Secondly, in thinking about my original vision for this newsletter and where it might go from here, which would you like to receive more of?
I’ll be very interested to see and read your thoughts.
I hope you continue to enjoy my newsletters, and if you know of anyone else who might, do please share this newsletter to them.