What is The [ED]it and why subscribe?
The [ED]it is a monthly newsletter focused on photography, with an emphasis on editing and the choices we make when putting images together, with or without text. I’ll take inspiration from my own work as well as the work of others or things I’ve viewed, watched or read and weave in some personal anecdotes. It might seem tangential at times, more direct at others.
It is also a chance for me to bring you updates about my own photography, share new or archive images and various things I’ve found interesting that you might too.
If you find it interesting and think someone else might too, please share it with them.
Why a newsletter?
I’ve started this newsletter during a break from social media as a way to become more thoughtful and reflective rather than reactive. I state I find works better for me and that I want to return to. It is an experiment in finding new ways to engage with people, one that harks back to the days of blogging that proved so enjoyable for many people, myself included.
When will I receive it?
I’m aiming to release new editions of the newsletter on the last day of each month. It feels appropriately reflective to do this, for example with editing being a reflective process. You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.
About Me – Ed Brydon
I am a photographer and writer available for commissions based near Farnham, Surrey, in south east England, just 45 minutes from London. I also regularly work in North Wales.
My more recent work explores personal connections to place, the land and natural environment, how each of those, and the connections between them, are changing.
In 2017 my ongoing project on people of North Welsh heritage in the northeast US was exhibited at Northern Eye Festival. it was subsequently awarded a commission from the Welsh Parliament in 2019 for exhibition around Wales in 2019-20.
You can find out more on my website here.
Supporting this newsletter and my work
I’m happy for people to comment and offer thoughtful discussion on any parts of the newsletter so please feel free to do so.
While Substack does offer the ability to offer paid subscriptions I do not currently plan to put this in place (though I cannot guarantee that won’t change). If you would like to support my work you can do so by:
Buying a print, book or zine from the shop on my website.
Using my affiliate shop on Bookshop.org (which also helps out independent book shops)
Providing a donation amount of your choice via PayPal.
I hope you enjoy The [ED]it. Please subscribe using the button below to get full access to the newsletter and website.
And don’t forget to share it with anyone else you think might find it interesting.