Taking a break
Break, now there’s a word. When I scheduled the below for ‘One image’ I did not know just how prescient a word it would be. Anyway, just a quick one this month. Between the school holidays and other things going on I’ve decided to take a break this month. There’ll be no feature or musings up top in this newsletter, but please do take a look at ‘One image’ and ‘Endnotes’ below. I’ll see you again next month.
// One image
It’s not long now until the hops will be harvested, but back in April the hop shoots had to be trained up their strings. In the Puttenham hop fields of Hampton Estate, volunteers selected the best-looking shoots and carefully twiddled and twirled them onto a string. It was a very warm day and with hundreds of bines to do it was hard work in the heat. The volunteers paused for a break by a shepherd hut with their packed lunches. The relaxed scene caught my eye…
More on my blog.
// Endnotes
I mentioned Roger Deakins in the Endnotes of Edition 006 after we visited north Devon and now he has a book out of his photographs. Called ‘Byways’ the book contains photographs from around the world, not just Devon. I am fascinated to see his cinematographers eye. Here he is in conversation with Ayla Angelos in Port Magazine.
If you are interested in environmental news and, like me, find it hard to collate from the various sources around the web, then I really recommend subscribing to Inkcap Journal. The editor, Sophie Yeo, started it on her own and writes or commissions twice-monthly features as well as publishing an environmental news roundup every Friday, which is an excellent resource.
Thank you for reading The [ED]it. I know it was a short one this month but I still hope you enjoyed it. Please forward this on to anyone else you think might enjoy it, and please do get in touch by leaving your thoughts in the comments or contacting me via email at edbrydon@gmail.com
Take care,
About me:
I am a photographer and writer available for commissions based near Farnham, Surrey, in south east England, just 45 minutes from London. I also regularly work in North Wales.
My more recent work explores personal connections to place, the land and natural environment, how each of those, and the connections between them, are changing.
In 2017 my ongoing project on people of North Welsh heritage in the northeast US was exhibited at Northern Eye Festival. I was subsequently awarded a commission from the Welsh Parliament in 2019 to make new work for exhibition around Wales in 2019-20.
You can find out more on my website here.
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If you’ve enjoyed this newsletter, please consider supporting my work. The COVID-19 pandemic has made it increasingly hard for independent photographers, artists, crafts people and writers to make new, creative, original work. You can help me keep my practice going by clicking the link below to make a contribution.
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Thank you!
Hi Ed. The photo of the volunteers on break is a perfect example of excellent triangular composition and full use of tonal scale; well done.