Welcome to The [ED]it
A newsletter by Ed Brydon on photography (with an emphasis on editing), also containing project news, recent images and endnotes with links to things I've found interesting and think you might too.
Welcome to The[ED]it, my newsletter. You can expect a feature on photography looked at through the lens of editing and personal anecdote, some recent news about my own work, one new or archived images and a few links to some interesting things out there in the ether.
I am based near Farnham, Surrey, in south east England, just 45 minutes from London, and also regularly work in North Wales.
I’ve worked on stories concerned science and health while my more recent work explores personal connections to place, the land and natural environment and how those are changing.
In 2017 my ongoing project on people of North Welsh heritage in the northeast US was exhibited at Northern Eye Festival. it was subsequently awarded a commission from the Welsh Parliament in 2019 for exhibition around Wales in 2019-20.
I am available for commissions requiring documentary, reportage or portrait photography and photographic essays or storytelling.
You can find out more on my website here.
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Thank you,